Get your musicheard worldwide

Join the biggest African artists and release your songs on the biggest stores worldwide

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Get paid for your music

Earn money when people listen and download your songs released on the digital stores. It's easy!

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Start uploading your music today

And we will get your music on Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer and the best digital platforms worldwide. Digital music distribution has never been this simple, you also enjoy:

Easy Music Upload

Have your music uploaded & ready for distribution in less than 2 mins

Super Fast Release

Get your music live on apple music and other digital stores in a few days

Pay As You Go

Flexible charging plan, you are charged per number of tracks on your album/ep. Singles begins @ ₦3990. Check out our pricing

No Yearly Subscription

No hidden charges upfront or subsequently, your music is released for life

Accurate Reporting

Timely money reporting & we pay directly to your bank account on request


Free music licensing and product code for your releases, no hidden extra charge

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Some of our Releases

Join the biggest artists worldwide and enjoy 100% right to your music & earnings

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